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Global Real Estate Consulting

Asset Management
Global Real Estate Investment

We provide support for all your concerns after purchasing a property.
We provide total support in all areas of asset management from property management to tax planning and inheritance.

Usually, asset management only involves handling and maintaining real estate properties, but at Stasia Capital you get much more - we provide total support in all areas of asset management, from property management to tax planning and inheritance.

Support Areas

Global Real Estate Consulting

Global Real Estate ConsultingAsset Management

We manage our investors’ properties with the aim of maximizing your profits. Not only do we introduce you to properties with good returns, but we carry out all of the necessary work of managing your property in accordance with that aim. So even though you are in Japan, you can rest assured that the staff at the local office where you property is located are working conscientiously on your behalf.

Global Real Estate Consulting

Global Real Estate ConsultingReal Estate Management after Purchase

We provide property management services for clients who want to lease the overseas properties they purchased, such as apartments and condominiums. We require the investor to deposit management funds with us and use these to hire local companies to carry out maintenance and other necessary tasks according to our directions on the investor’s behalf.

Global Real Estate Consulting

Global Real Estate ConsultingReporting on payment of costs after purchase

We pay all costs incurred in relation to property management from the deposit accounts created by our investors. We report regularly about the condition of the property and our use of funds to cover the expenses.

Global Real Estate Consulting

Global Real Estate ConsultingExit Strategies / Sale Procedures

Our strength lies in our ability to make proposals that match the purpose of your investment, such as recommending investment properties and providing advice about the best time to sell your property. We invest a lot of time investigating properties, making proposals and proposing optimal exit strategies, in order to ensure that each and every one of our investors receives the maximum profit.

Global Real Estate Consulting

Global Real Estate ConsultingTax and Inheritance Planning

We provide support in relation to matters such as tax planning and inheritance for investors whose goal is to maintain the assets they already own. We use our unique knowhow in proposing properties from each country that are suited to the goals you have consulted with us beforehand.